From Your President:
At our March meeting, the torch was passed to me by my friend Rich DiStanislao. Rich and our board did an excellent job of developing a revised Strategic Plan, securing stream improvement funding, ensuring adequate funding for our activities, and offering programs to support our mission: “Protecting and restoring the cold water resources of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties.”
Thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me the new Chapter President. In the upcoming year our Board, Executive Committee, newly formed committees, and I pledge to continue our important mission.
We extend our thanks to George Dodson and Fran Barilar for their service on the board. We welcome two new Board members: Bryon Correll and Richard Green. We have formed 5 major chapter groups with board members responsible for overseeing these groups. These groups are Conservation, Membership, Education, Communications, and Development. Within each of these five groups are committees that ensure our chapter has plenty of opportunities for member involvement. I hope you will reach out to one of the group chairs to share your time and talent. Contact information is included in this month’s issue of Hatches and here, on our website.
For the rest of 2023, we will hold general membership meetings at the Community Club at Ft. Indiantown Gap – July 25, September 26, and November 28. The Board will meet in June, August, and October at the Skelly and Loy corporate offices in Harrisburg. Thanks to chapter member Al Budinski for his help.
Former chapter president Russ Collins and I represented our chapter at TU National’s Northeast Regional Rendezvous in Stamford, Connecticut in early June. Russ and I took advantage of this regional meeting to meet with national TU’s support staff. We will update our Board in June.
As we move forward in 2023, I encourage you to become an active member. Take the step and attend a meeting or activity, contact a committee or activity chairperson or coordinator and volunteer your time.
Thanks again for your vote of confidence and I hope to see you at the Chapter’s summer picnic at Memorial Lake State Park on Sunday afternoon, August 27th. Registration information for the picnic can be found below.