About the Wells

Doc Fritchey TU has built two limestone diversion wells — the first in 1987 and another in 2000 — on Rausch Creek, a tributary of Stony Creek originating in the northwestern corner of Lebanon County. These wells reduce the effects of acid precipitation and drainage from abandoned coal mines. The treated water permits holdover and wild trout populations to exist far into the lower reaches of Stony Creek, a popular ‘put-and-take’ fishery.
In 2014, our chapter received the Best Chapter Project Award from PA State Council of Trout Unlimited for the many years of volunteer work dedicated to the operation and maintenance of these diversion wells on a year-round basis.
In 2015, with assistance from the Dauphin County Conservation District (DCCD), a permanent stream monitoring device was installed downstream in Stony Creek to measure temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and pH.
To see the results of this monitoring, go to http://www.dauphincd.org/water/Sonde.html.
The chapter is grateful for the ongoing generous donations of limestone from Pennsy Supply and transportation of the stone to the site by Sensenig Contracting who took over the responsibility upon the retirement of John Reigel from his trucking business in 2017.
Meeting Times
Fall/Winter Schedule:
During the late fall through the winter, volunteers meet for maintenance work every Sunday at 1:00 PM at the State Game Lands #211 gate to the west of Goldmine Road.
Spring/Summer Schedule:
In the spring, after the return to Daylight Savings Time, the schedule switches to Mondays at 6:00 PM. Check the Calendar page for the current schedule. Contact Dennis Coffman at 717-350-8817 for additional information.
View the map below for directions to the State Game Lands #211 parking lot on Goldmine Road.
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In 2006, PAEnviroDigest recorded the following video documenting the work done at the wells …