Tying the Parachute Mayfly Dun with Rich DiStanislao

In this video, I demonstrate how I like to tie my Parachute Mayfly Dun pattern.

Here is a list of materials:

  • Hook: Standard dry fly hook (size 12 or 14)
  • Thread: 12/0 Veevus thread for larger dry flies (size 10 – 18) in tan or rusty brown
  • Wing: Medium to dark dun-colored Hi-Viz fibers
  • Tail: 5 or 6 Coq de Leon tailing feather fibers in brown speckled feather
  • Abdomen: Turkey biot in pinkish-tan
  • Thorax: Pinkish-tan superfine poly
  • Hackle: Rooster saddle hackle or hackle feather from a quality dry fly cape in a bronze dun or a medium to dark dun color

Rich DiStanislao’s Parachute Mayfly Dun