In this video, I demonstrate how I like to tie an isonychia nymph. The isonychia nymph – commonly called the “Slate Drake” nymph – is a fast swimmer and emerges from deep water then swims to rocks and weeds to molt as a dun. They are great flies to have on the Little Juniata, Poconos, Delaware, Catskills, and Yellow Breeches, here in Central PA.
Here is a list of materials:
- Hook: Daiichi 1770 or TMC 400, size 12
- Thread: Brown, 8/0 unithread
- Tails: Bronze color peacock herl tips or brown pheasant tail fibers
- Medial Stripe: White Ultra Wire, brassie size
- Gills: Gray ostrich herl
- Ribbing: Ultra fine gold wire
- Wing case: Black thin skin
- Legs: Brownish partridge feather