Annual DFTU Membership Meeting, with presenter Tim Schaeffer from PFBC

March 25, 2025 7:00pm to 9:00pm

We invite all to our 2025 Annual Membership Meeting! Learn about DFTU, 2025/2026 Board Members voting and terms, the Gerald Miller Volunteer Award and “Passing the Net” recipients, our upcoming projects and volunteer opportunities, and much more! We will also be selling $5 tickets (cash or check only) for our BUCKET RAFFLE, featuring a variety of fishing gear, fly assortments, books on fishing, accommodations at several Erie hotels, plus a selection of DFTU merchandise.

Tim Schaeffer, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, will be our presenter focusing on PFBC’s 2025 Plans, Management and Collaborations on the national, state and local levels. This will also include a Q&A session.

Tim Schaeffer began serving as Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in November 2018. The Executive Director is appointed by the 10-member Board of Commissioners and is the agency’s chief executive officer and chief waterways conservation officer. In his role, he represents the agency and Commonwealth on numerous state, regional, and national boards and commissions, including serving as Chair of the National Fish Habitat Partnership Board and as a member of the Steering Committee for the Delaware River Watershed Conservation Collaborative. In addition to previously working as the Commission’s Director of Policy and Planning, he has served as Deputy Secretary for the Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Water Programs, Vice President and Executive Director of Audubon Pennsylvania, Regional Director for the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, and Science and Policy Director at the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers.

Our Annual Membership Meeting is open to the public. All are invited to attend, including non-members, family and friends.

DIRECTIONS: There is a new Main Gate at Fort Indiantown Gap. To access the Community Club for our meetings, take exit 85B north on Rt. 934 (Fisher Road) from I-81 to the main gate. After checking in at the security station, the road winds around to a traffic light where you take a right and continue north on Fisher Road. The Community Club is located on the left just before the intersection with Clement Road.