The Nominations Committee presents the following slate of nominees for Executive officer vacancies and for Board of Director members. Nominations can also be made from the floor prior to the election on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
Nominated Officers
President | Rich DiStanislao |
Vice President | Chuck Swanderski |
Secretary | Bob Pennell |
Treasurer | Trip McGarvey |
Chapter Officers shall be elected annually for one-year terms. With the exception of the Secretary, no Officer shall serve more than five (5) consecutive one-year terms in the same office, but an Officer may again hold the same office after a one-year period out of office.
Nominated Board of Directors
Fran Barilar | George Dodson | Francis O’Gorman |
Howard (Willie) Bixler | Rebecca Fronk | Jim Suleski |
Russ Collins | Andy Link | Stephan Vegoe |
Joseph Connor | Steve Long |