Trout Unlimited’s Trout in the Classroom (TIC) program is designed to engage school students in the rearing of trout from eggs to fry, while learning about the cold water environment and the many factors essential to trout survival. Eggs are obtained in the fall of the year from the PA Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) hatcheries and shipped to participating schools across the commonwealth.

During the school year, with guidance from their teacher, students are responsible for maintaining the water quality in their aquariums to the standards required for raising healthy trout, and in the spring their fry are released into streams approved by the PFBC. Each TIC program can be tailored by the teacher to fit specific curricular needs, including the disciplines of environmental science, mathematics, social studies, fine arts and physical education. To read an article written by Steve Vegoe for Dauphin County’s “Life in Dauphin County” newsletter, click here.


The Doc Fritchey Chapter currently supports seven TIC programs in Dauphin and Lebanon county schools. For more information about TIC programs in Pennsylvania, check out

Interested teachers should go to for information about deadlines and other requirements—along with what’s involved—before contacting our chapter program director.
