Posts about recognition of the chapter. (Awards, etc.)
Russ Collins (right) receives his PATU award from current chapter president, Rich DiStanislao.
Former chapter president Russell Collins was recently honored by the PA Council of Trout Unlimited with the annual Doc Fritchey Award for Outstanding Coldwater Conservationist. This award recognizes a TU…
At PA Council's Annual Meeting today, our chapter received the 2021 Award for Best Chapter Website, and Russ Collins received the Dr. John A. Fritchey, Jr. Outstanding Conservationist of the…
Many thanks to PA State Rep. Tom Mehaffie for his work pushing through House Bill 808 allowing the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to set their own fees. Chapter President…
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
DFTU president Russ Collins presents Bob Pennell with a plaque recognizing his innumerable contributions to the chapter.
Photo: Dylan Nolte on Unsplash
The 2020 Gerald L. Miller Outstanding Volunteer Award – which under normal circumstances would have been presented at our Annual Banquet in March – has now been scheduled on Facebook…
This week is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. We would like to thank all our volunteers who help us with our freshwater conservation and public outreach efforts.
(L to R): PATU Pres. Charlie Charlesworth, Russ Collins, Steve Vegoe, Bob Pennell, PATU Program Dir. Ashley Wilmont, Trip McGarvey, Chuck Swanderski, Jim Suleski.
At the PA Council Annual Meeting on September 8, 2018, DFTU was honored to receive the 2018 Best Chapter Project award. Vying for this award with 48 other chapters across the…