A gloomy, rainy day greeted the 14 women who showed up at Ed & Nichole O’Gorman’s property for an introduction to the basics of fly fishing, hosted by our chapter. Membership Chair Chuck Swanderski, who organized this event, led off with introductions, followed by breakout sessions to learn the various elements of fly fishing.
Amidea Daniel of the PA Fish & Boat Commission and Amy Coen of the TCO Fly Shop in Boiling Springs covered tackle and gear selection, as well as basic knot tying and tackle setup. A second station was manned by Lynn Langer who displayed a tray of macroinvertebrates while Steve Long and Joe Notarangelo demonstrated fly tying techniques and how the imitations related to the critters in the tray. Rich DiStanislao conducted the fly casting instruction, at times under some pretty showery conditions.
After the rain finally stopped in mid-afternoon, chapter volunteers were on hand to guide those women who were interested in utilizing their newly acquired skills on the stream. All in all, it was felt by all who participated to be a very productive, fun day.